- Number of Fair Price Shop (FPS) by Category under National Food Security Act (NFSA) in Janjgir - Champa District of Chhattisgarh
(As on 14.03.2024)
- Number of Fair Price Shop (FPS) by Category under National Food Security Act (NFSA) in Janjgir - Champa District of Chhattisgarh
(As on 28.06.2024)
- Number of Fair Price Shops by Agency in Janjgir - Champa District of Chhattisgarh
- Number of Fair Price Shop (FPS) by Category under National Food Security Act (NFSA) in Janjgir - Champa District of Chhattisgarh
(As on 31.12.2023)
- Number of Fair Price Shops by Agency in Janjgir - Champa District of Chhattisgarh
- Number of Fair Price Shop (FPS) by Category under National Food Security Act (NFSA) in Janjgir - Champa District of Chhattisgarh
(As on 31.12.2022)
- Number of Fair Price Shops by Agency in Janjgir - Champa District of Chhattisgarh
- Number of Fair Price Shops by Agency in Janjgir - Champa District of Chhattisgarh
- Number of Fair Price Shop (FPS) by Category under National Food Security Act (NFSA) in Janjgir - Champa District of Chhattisgarh
(As on 31.12.2021)
- Number of Fair Price Shops in Rural and Urban Areas in Janjgir - Champa District of Chhattisgarh (Upto 05.07.2019)
- Category/Agency-wise Number of Fair Price Shops in Janjgir - Champa District (Chhattsgarh) (As on 01.01.2019)
- Number of Fair Price Shops in Rural and Urban Areas in Janjgir - Champa District of Chhattisgarh (2016-2017)
- Agency-wise Number of Fair Price Shops in Janjgir - Champa District (Chhattsgarh) (Upto 25.04.2017)
- Number of Fair Price Shop (FPS) by Residence in Janjgir - Champa District (Chhattishgarh) (As on September, 2016)
- Number of Fair Price Shops in Rural and Urban Areas in Janjgir - Champa District of Chhattisgarh (As on 31.01.2016)
- Number of Fair Price Shops Operated by Type of Agency in Janjgir - Champa District of Chhattisgarh (January, 2014)
- Agency-wise Number of Fair Price Shops in Janjgir - Champa District (Chhattsgarh) (As on January, 2011)
- Agency-wise Number of Fair Price Shops in Janjgir - Champa District (Chhattsgarh) (As on 7.09.2010)