- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in North Twenty Four Parganas District of West Bengal (As on March, 2013)
- Number of Health Facilities and Bed therein in North Twenty Four Parganas District of West Bengal (As on 31.7.2013)
- Number of Health Facilities and Bed therein in North Twenty Four Parganas District of West Bengal (As on 30.11.2012)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in North Twenty Four Parganas District of West Bengal (As on March, 2012)
- Number of Health Facilities and Bed therein in North Twenty Four Parganas District of West Bengal (As on 30.11.2011)
- Number of Houses used for Hospital, Dispensary etc. (Total/Rural/Urban) in North Twenty Four Parganas District of West Bengal (2011)
- Number of Medical Institution and Beds in North Twenty Four Parganas District of West Bengal (As on 31.3.2010)
- Number of Medical Institution and Beds in North Twenty Four Parganas District of West Bengal (As on 31.3.2009)
- Number of Patients Treated at Gram Panchayat Based Mobile Health Camps in North Twenty Four Parganas District of West Bengal (2008-2009)
- Number of Beneficiaries under Referral Transport in North Twenty Four Parganas District of West Bengal (2008-2009)
- Number of Medical Institution and Beds in North Twenty Four Parganas District of West Bengal (As on 31.3.2008)
- Performance of Block Primary Health Centres (BPHCs) in North Twenty Four Parganas District of West Bengal (January-December, 2008)
- Number of Health Facilities and Bed therein in North Twenty Four Parganas District of West Bengal (2008)
- Performance of Rural Hospitals in North Twenty Four Parganas District of West Bengal (January-December, 2008)
- Performance of Block Primary Health Centres in North Twenty Four Parganas District of West Bengal (January-December 2007)
- Number of Medical Institution and Beds in North Twenty Four Parganas District of West Bengal (As on 31.3.2007)
- Number of Houses used for Hospital, Dispensary etc. (Total/Rural/Urban) in North Twenty Four Parganas District of West Bengal (2001)