- Number of Beneficiaries who Availabled Benefits under Mukh Mantri Punjab Cancer Rahat Kosh Patients in Gurdaspur District of Punjab
- Number of Cancer Patients Benefited under Mukh Mantri Punjab Cancer Rahat Kosh (MMPCRK) Scheme in Gurdaspur District of Punjab
- Monthly Number of Adolscent/Adult Deaths Due to Cancer by Residence in Gurdaspur District of Punjab
- Number of Beneficiaries who Availabled Benefits under Mukh Mantri Punjab Cancer Rahat Kosh Patients in Gurdaspur District of Punjab
- Monthly Number of Adolscent/Adult Deaths Due to Cancer by Residence in Gurdaspur District of Punjab
- Number of Cancer Patients in Gurdaspur District of Punjab
- Monthly Number of Adolscent/Adult Deaths Due to Cancer by Residence in Gurdaspur District of Punjab
- Number of Cancer Patients in Gurdaspur District of Punjab (2018)
- Monthly Number of Adolscent/Adult Deaths Due to Cancer by Residence in Gurdaspur District of Punjab
- Number of Cancer Patients in Gurdaspur District of Punjab (2016-2017)