- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Kannur District of Kerala (As on 31st March, 2023)
- Number of Institutions Selected or Converted under Family Health Centers (FHCs) in Kannur District of Kerala (2022-2023)
- Number of Delivery Points at Various Institutes in Kannur District of Kerala (2022-2023)
- Number of Delivery Points having Ultra Sound Scan and Blood Storage unit in Kannur District of Kerala (2022-2023)
- Number of Institutions/Hospitals Situated in Coastal Areas under Department of Health Services (DHSs) in Kannur District of Kerala (2022-2023)
- Number of Institutions/Hospitals Situated in Tribal Areas under Department of Health Services (DHSs) in Kannur District of Kerala (2022-2023)
- Number of Delivery Points having Ultra Sound Scan and Blood Storage unit in Kannur District of Kerala (2021-2022)
- Number of Institutions Selected or Converted under Family Health Centers (FHCs) in Kannur District of Kerala (2021-2022)
- Number of Delivery Points at Various Institutes in Kannur District of Kerala (2021-2022)
- Number of Healthcare Centres (Sub-Centres, Primary and Community Health Centres) at Rural Areas in Kannur District of Kerala (As on 31st March, 2022)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Kannur District of Kerala (As on 31st March, 2022)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Kannur District of Kerala (As on 31st March, 2021)
- Number of Healthcare Centres (Sub-Centres, Primary and Community Health Centres) at Rural Areas in Kannur District of Kerala (As on 31st March, 2021)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Kannur District of Kerala (As on 31st March, 2020)
- Number of Out/In-Patient (OP/IP) and Major/Minor Surgeries Conducted in Hospitals/Dispensaries under Directorate of Health Services (DHS) in Kannur District of Kerala (2019-2020-upto August, 2019)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Kannur District of Kerala (As on 31st March, 2019)
- Number of Out/In-Patient (OP/IP) and Major/Minor Surgeries Conducted in Hospitals/Dispensaries under Directorate of Health Services (DHS) in Kannur District of Kerala (2018-2019)
- Category-wise Number of Medical Institutions and Beds in Kannur District of Kerala (2019)
- Number of Out/In-Patient (OP/IP) and Major/Minor Surgeries Conducted in Hospitals/Dispensaries under Directorate of Health Services (DHS) in Kannur District of Kerala (2018-2019-upto July, 2018)
- Number of Out/In-Patient (OP/IP) and Major/Minor Surgeries Conducted in Hospitals/Dispensaries under Directorate of Health Services (DHS) in Kannur District of Kerala (2017-2018-Upto July, 2017)
- Number of Out/In-Patient (OP/IP) and Major/Minor Surgeries Conducted in Hospitals/Dispensaries under Directorate of Health Services (DHS) in Kannur District of Kerala (2017-2018)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Kannur District of Kerala (As on 31st March, 2018)
- Category-wise Number of Medical Institutions and Beds in Kannur District of Kerala (2018)
- Category-wise Number of Medical Institutions and Beds in Kannur District of Kerala (2017)
- Number of Out/In-Patient (OP/IP) and Major/Minor Surgeries Conducted in Hospitals/Dispensaries under Directorate of Health Services (DHS) in Kannur District of Kerala (2016-2017)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Kannur District of Kerala (As on 31st March, 2017)
- Number of Out/In-Patient (OP/IP) under Directorate of Health Services (DHS) in Kannur District of Kerala (2015-2016)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Kannur District of Kerala (As on 31st March, 2016)
- Number of Medical Institutions and Beds by Caegory in Kannur District of Kerala (2016)
- Number of Out/In-Patient (OP/IP) under Directorate of Health Services (DHS) in Kannur District of Kerala (2014-2015)
- Category-wise Number of Medical Institutions and Beds in Kannur District of Kerala (2015)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Kannur District of Kerala (As on 31st March, 2015)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Kannur District of Kerala (As on 31st March, 2014)
- Number of Out/In-Patient (OP/IP) under Directorate of Health Services (DHS) in Kannur District of Kerala (2013-2014)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Kannur District of Kerala (As on March, 2013)
- Category-wise Number of Medical Institutions and Beds in Kannur District of Kerala (2012)
- Number of Out/In-Patient (OP/IP) under Directorate of Health Services (DHS) in Kannur District of Kerala (2012)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Kannur District of Kerala (As on March, 2012)
- Number of Houses used for Hospital, Dispensary etc. (Total/Rural/Urban) in Kannur District of Kerala (2011)
- Category-wise Number of Medical Institutions and Beds in Kannur District of Kerala (2011)
- Number of District Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Kannur District of Kerala (As on March, 2011)
- Number of Out/In-Patient (OP/IP) under Directorate of Health Services (DHS) in Kannur District of Kerala (2011)
- Status and Health of Infrastructure under Co-operative Sector in Kannur District of Kerala (2011)
- Number of Hospitals, Beds, Doctors, Paramedical Staff and Patients Treated under Co-operative Sector in Kannur District of Kerala (2010)
- Category-wise Number of Medical Intuitions and Beds in Kannur District of Kerala (2010)
- Number of Hospitals, Beds, Doctors, Paramedical Staff and Patients Treated under Co-operative Sector in Kannur District of Kerala (2009)
- Category-wise Number of Medical Institutions and Beds in Kannur District of Kerala (2009)
- Number of TB Clinics/Centre and Beds in Kannur District of Kerala (2009)
- Number of Hospitals with Allotment of Beds in Kannur District of Kerala (2009)
- Number of Institutions Approved for Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) in Kannur District of Kerala (As on 31.03.2009)
- Number of Community Health Centres and Allotment of Beds in Kannur District of Kerala (2009)
- Licensed Sales Premises in Kannur District of Kerala (As on 31.03.2008)
- Status and Health of Infrastructure under Co-operative Sector in Kannur District of Kerala (2008)
- Number of Community Health Centres (CHCs), 24 X 7 Primary Health Centre (PHC) and Primary Health Centre (PHC) in Kannur District of Kerala (31.12.2008)
- Number of Drugs Manufacturing Units in Kannur District of Kerala (As on 31.03.2008)
- Number of Blood Banks and Blood Storage Centre in Kannur District of Kerala (As on 31.03.2008)
- Category-wise Number of Medical Institutions and Beds in Kannur District of Kerala (2008)
- Distribution of Institutions, Beds and Patients Treated under Government Homoeopathy Directorate in Kannur District of Kerala (2008)
- Bed Population Ratio (Government Modern Medicine) in Kannur District of Kerala (2008)
- Number of Inpatients and Outpatients, Major/Minor Operations Conducted at Hospitals/Dispensaries under Directorate of Health Service (DHS) in Kannur District of Kerala (2008)
- Number of Houses used for Hospital, Dispensary etc. (Total/Rural/Urban) in Kannur District of Kerala (2001)