- Number of Government Dispensaries and Doctors under Homeopathy Medical Facilities in Ananthapuramu (Anantapur) District of Andhra Pradesh
(As on 31.03.2023)
- Number of Government Dispensaries and Doctors under Homeopathy Medical Facilities in Ananthapuramu (Anantapur) District of Andhra Pradesh
(As on 31.03.2022)
- Number of Homeopathy Medical Facilities for Dispensaries, Government Hospitals and Doctors in Ananthapuramu (Anantapur) District of Andhra Pradesh
(As on 31.03.2022)
- Number of Homeopathy Medical Facilities for Dispensaries, Government Hospitals and Doctors in Ananthapuramu (Anantapur) District of Andhra Pradesh
(As on 31.03.2021)
- Number of Government Dispensaries and Doctors under Homeopathy Medical Facilities in Ananthapuramu (Anantapur) District of Andhra Pradesh
(As on 31.03.2020)
- Number of Government Dispensaries and Doctors under Homeopathy Medical Facilities in Ananthapuramu (Anantapur) District of Andhra Pradesh (As on 31.03.019)
- Number of Government Dispensaries and Doctors under Homeopathy Medical Facilities in Ananthapuramu (Anantapur) District of Andhra Pradesh (As on 31.03.018)
- Number of Government Dispensaries and Doctors under Homeopathy Medical Facilities in Ananthapuramu (Anantapur) District of Andhra Pradesh (As on 31.03.017)
- Number of Government Dispensaries and Doctors under Homeopathy Medical Facilities in Ananthapuramu (Anantapur) District of Andhra Pradesh (As on 31.03.2016)
- Number of Government Dispensaries and Doctors under Homoeopathy Medical Facilities in Ananthapuramu (Anantapur) District of Andhra Pradesh (As on 31.03.2014)
- Number of Government Dispensaries, Doctors and Patients Treated Theirin under Homoeopathy Medical Facilities in Ananthapuramu (Anantapur) District of Andhra Pradesh (As on 31.3.2010)
- Number of Dispensaries, Doctors and Patients Treated under Homoeopathy Government Facilities in Ananthapuramu (Anantapur) District of Andhra Pradesh (As on 31.03.2009)
- Number of Dispensaries, Doctors and Patients Treated under Homoeopathy Government Facilities in Ananthapuramu (Anantapur) District of Andhra Pradesh (As on 31.03.2007)