Examining Efficiency and Performance of Various Investment portfolios
-Dr. Anubha Srivastava,Assistant Professor (Finance), Amity Business School, AUUP, Noida
Portfolios Investment helps to achieve returns by diversifying risk. The main aim of this paper is to evaluate the performance of various investment portfolios and compare their returns with market return. This study examines the risk-adjusted returns using Sharpe’s Index, Treynor’s Index, and Jensen’s Alpha for five portfolios of Indian mutual funds for a time period of five year, i.e. 2009-2013.
Examining Efficiency and Performance of Various Investment portfolios
(Estimated as of now)
Socio-Economic Voices
Gaura Sen Gupta, Chief Economist,

"Election-related-Expenditure Disruptions, Weak Exports and Profit Slowdown Stalling India’s Investment Recovery"... Read more

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